Articles Posted in Military Law

Responding to Letters of Reprimand in the Military
Cole Law Group, PC

What Is a Military Letter of Reprimand? A military letter of reprimand (LOR) is an administrative censure given to a servicemember for alleged failure to comply with military rules or regulations. A letter of reprimand is a serious matter, and servicemembers subject to receiving one should carefully consider their options. A letter of reprimand is…

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Legal Overview of the U.s. Department of Defense Integrated Disability Evaluation System
Cole Law Group, PC

Service members that are in the process of determining if they are fit to return to duty or should be medically separated or discharged from the military due to their illnesses or injuries participate in the Integrated Disability Evaluation System (IDES). The military calls it integrated because this process is done in conjunction with the…

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How Does the VA Determine Your Disability Percentage?
Cole Law Group, PC

One topic in military law important to many veterans is Veterans Affairs (VA) disability. Federal law established the US Department of Veterans Affairs with several important missions to serve our veterans.[i] One of those missions is to provide disability benefits to eligible veterans who are disabled due to injuries or illnesses that have been caused…

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How Can a Former Spouse Ensure Continuance of Sbp Benefits After Divorce??
Cole Law Group, PC

U.S. Military retirement benefits allow military service members to elect to purchase a Survivor Benefit Plan (“SBP”).¹ SBP was created by Congress in 1972 and has been amended several times. The SBP is a monthly annuity that, upon the service member’s death, will be paid to the service member’s designated beneficiary, such as a surviving…

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Update on Understanding Distribution of Military Retirement Benefits in Tennessee Divorces
Cole Law Group, PC

Grayson v. Grayson Tennessee Court of Appeals A recent Tennessee Court of Appeals case spent significant time analyzing and discussing United States Department of Defense Financial Management Regulations regarding military retirement benefits in divorce. Grayson v. Grayson, No. E2020-01339-COA-R3-CV, 2021 Tenn. App. LEXIS 354 (Ct. App. Sep. 3, 2021). Grayson v. Grayson Facts In the…

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Understanding the Service Connected Requirement for VA Disability Claims
Cole Law Group, PC

VA disability law can be daunting for many eligible veterans who want to submit a VA disability claim or wish to appeal a negative disability determination. One of the main concepts that is difficult for service members to understand is which injuries or illnesses VA disability will cover. The answer is “only those disabilities that…

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Understanding the Uniformed Services Former Spouses’ Protection Act
Cole Law Group, PC

Many current or former service members and their current or former spouses are generally aware of the Uniformed Services Former Spouses’ Protection Act. However, from my experience in working with military family law matters, it is an area of law that many people misunderstand. The purpose of this article is to help members and former…

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The 5 Best Ways to Present Persuasive Disability Evidence
Cole Law Group, PC

Many service members understand the frustration of being wrongfully denied disability compensation from the Veterans Administration. In my experience I have observed veterans who became frustrated with the process and ultimately gave up. This is most unfortunate. If you have suffered an injury or illness due to your military service, you should be compensated under…

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My Story: Military Challenge Coins After a Decade in the Army
Cole Law Group, PC

Collecting military challenge coins is something that service members understand. However, those outside the military may have never seen them before or comprehend their unique history. Many purposes are served by challenge coins in the military. One is to reward exceptional performance during training or combat operations. Rewarding excellence is commonly utilized among military leaders…

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Army ROTC Disenrollment Appeals
Cole Law Group, PC

How Does the Army ROTC Program Work? The US Military’s Reserve Officers’ Training Corps is a system through which many college students can pursue an undergraduate education while conducting military training that prepares them for a period of service as a commissioned military officer. According to the US Army, “The overall mission of the Army…

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